
Article in Galleries Magazine: Robin Richmond 'On Solitary Fields'

Agrigento, Sicily, acrilic on canvas, £3500
Robin Richmond transcribes landscape and stirs emotion, confidently evoking that intangible sense of infinity, known as the romantic Sublime.  A fiery heat glows in renderings of ancient Sicilian places like Agrigento. In others, like Chekhov’s Dream and Ice Sings –  the diaphanous textures of Lake Rouffiac in January – blues, whites, violets, mauves and jades float and freeze. Warmth and cold enhance one another in Solitary Fields.
Chekhov's Dream, acrylic on canvas, £4750

These canvases encourage the eye and the mind to negotiate distance, depth, reflection and even time, exploring the very borderlines and edges of perception. The notion of an “event horizon”, a boundary in space-time where new forces come into play, springs to mind. Time haunts her History of a Silver Birch Tree in Six Chapters.  Weathered bark becomes almost like human skin, a metaphor for deep time. Her ninth and biggest show so far at Curwen & New Academy reveals a heightened power and concentration.

Corinna Lotz, Galleries Magazine, March 2014

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